I've decided to keep a blog about our attempts at furthering to green our home. So, a blog seems so futuristic to me...so difficult to comprehend...Am I that old? I thought that I was hip, but now I am doubting that totally. Anyways, this first entry is meant to be an introduction to those of you who are not familiar with us here at Pughville. We are your regular, everyday family of four living in Southern Alberta. I am a stay at home mom with two beautiful kids(as you can see) and a husband who works in oil and gas as an r&d engineer.
I know, I know...you are asking yourself-how can someone who's main source of income comes from oil and gas even try to consider themselves as 'green'...well, to be sure we are fully aware of the strange dichotomy we live, but I think it is the fact that we are so closely tied to that industry that makes us search for ways to balance our effects. So, to that end, we purchased a house in North America's first solar heated community. I want to state that we have been concerned for many years...always recycled, always composted, conserved water, had compact fluorescents, a fuel efficient vehicle...but making the move to this community has made us so much more aware of the many ways there are to help the environment. It's great having neighbours who push you to do more. And, after a friend of mine had a life changing experience watching "An Inconvenient Truth", I subsequently decided that I needed to try and give other people that sense of community. So...the blog was born. I want this blog to be an attempt at documenting our journey into furthering our motto of "You must be the change you want to see in the world"(a quote by Mahatma Ghandi). I hope to encourage more of you to join our journey.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
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Here is something cool I found from my mum.
Thanks Liz...Looks like a cool website. I am looking into where one can recycle compact fluorescents in Calgary as per your suggestion in our earlier conversation. I'll post as soon as I find an answer. In the states, I believe that you can go to http://www.earth911.org/ and enter your zip code to learn about all recycling facilities in your area...anyone know the Canadian equivalent?
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