Friday, August 24, 2007


Most people hear that word and think of some heavily moustached, potbellied men in black, but this week the 'bikers' descended on our street. Well, that is what Jack kept calling them. Most people would call them cyclists, but we prefer Jack's term as it seems to imply that they are a gang who is up to something. Only this gang is up to all good. They are biking to the tarsands. The Sierra Youth Coalition is behind this craziness and this gang of youth is quite inspiring. They are blogging, filming and writing about their journey to uncover what Albertans think of the tar sands and the global warming crisis we now face and helped create. They are a mixed bag of nuts...some highly focused university students who will take leadership roles on the inside, some artists who will fight their fight in their own unique way, and some dudes who just like to bike. We look forward to following them on their journey and wanted to let you all know how you could follow them as well. So, check 'em out:

Leave them a note of encouragement and any offers of help along the way...I'm sure they would appreciate it. It was neat having them stay with us...

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