Thursday, March 08, 2007

World On Fire...

So, I warned you all about the whole YouTube thing. Here is another cool video which I learned about from the coolest book ever. The book was loaned to us by our neighbours, the ever lovely Jen and Joanne. It's called "World Changing: A User's Guide For the 21st Century". It is like an encyclopedia of cool ideas about how to make the world a better place. Today I also found out(while researching an upcoming article about hybrid cars--thanks, Leeann for the idea) that they have a totally cool website. Find it at

One of the cool things that I found in that book was under "Philanthropy". It talked about Sarah MacLachlan and her video "World On Fire" and how incredible it is to see how the way in which we spend our money can make a huge difference. Of course, I found it on YouTube...check it out.

Just a quick entry tonight. Looking forward to seeing Tim Flannery speak at the Petroleum club of all places tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have lots to write after that! Enjoy...

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