Monday, June 11, 2007

Deep Thinking

So, a few things have me deep thinking these days...first, I watched "The Corporation" . We have a copy for anyone who wants to see it. It has me really thinking about water(and so many other things)...what more could you want from a movie, but Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Maude Barlow, Micheal Moore, and a "Pat" look alike(her name was not Pat, but if you are cool and hip like me you should know who I am talking about--she provided some much needed comic least at our house). Soon, I'll have my thoughts together enough to talk about it.

Second, I got this link sent to me from one of my cronies. Just kidding, Christine. It is super cool and helps you visualize consumption in a totally new way...check it out:

Thanks for sending it Chris!

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