Friday, May 02, 2008

Radiohead and Bullfrog Power

I know I never come here anymore...sorry. Life. But I saw this and needed to post it. Wow.

Earth Day passed us by and I never got the chance to mention that I think everyone should sign up with Bullfrog Power. It is a much better way than a flat rate plan to buy green power. We've been doing it for awhile chance to blog about it though. Sorry to anyone who pops by regularly. I'm hoping to get it going again soon.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Yes We Can

I know that it can be difficult to remain positive when we are faced with so many obstacles, but we can...we can! Cool Obama LOVE Obama!!!

How Rich Am I?

I know, I only pop in once in awhile and then for such a short moment...but this is worth the watch...I love Youtube!

And, oh yeah...I am sooooo rich!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bob McDonald Tells It Like It Is

if you don't know who Bob McDonald is, your husband isn't a big nerd like mine! Quirks and quarks can be heard on CBC or in podcasts downloaded directly from the CBC website. Worth a read...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Earth Hour

I'm in...are you? I think this is an awesome opportunity to turn everything off...and spend an hour with your family by candlelight talking and laughing. Let's spread the word. Go to